Rating by Beatit: 10 Most Spontaneous Drummers

Rating by Beatit: 10 Most Spontaneous Drummers

Ten Drummers, who are a little bit superactive behind the kit. When you go are at the concert you can see many types of drummers. Some of them are enjoying their thing, other are really nervous with no expression on their faces, and there is one...
Craig Blundell: 10 Albums That Changed My Life

Craig Blundell: 10 Albums That Changed My Life

Craig Blundell has made a name for himself as a go-to prog drummer in England. He has worked with the likes of Pendragon, the saviour of prog in the new millenium – Steven Wilson, Frost, and has performed with members of such bands as King...
10 Reasons Why Drummers Rule

10 Reasons Why Drummers Rule

We have found yet another ranking concerning drums and drumming in the immense ocean that the Internet is. An interesting ranking, too, as it is written from the point of view of an outsider, i. e. a person who is NOT a drummer himself. If you are...
10 Heavy Hitting Drummers Of All Time

10 Heavy Hitting Drummers Of All Time

Take a look at the list full of heavy hitters! Lists of drummers are always good. Sometimes they provide a fiery discussions, but they always encourage people to speak their minds. DRUM! magazine has recently published a list of drummers, who were...
25 Great Double-Drumming Tracks

25 Great Double-Drumming Tracks

In February 2007, the Modern Drummer magazine published an article by Adam Budovsky titled “25 Great Double-Drumming Tracks” and talking about (yes, you guessed it!) the best recordings of two drummers playing two separate kits at the...