> > > Nick Barker needs your help!

Nick Barker is a legendary extreme metal drummer, whose credits include the likes of Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Brujeria, Lock Up, Atrocity, Leaves’ Eyes, Testament, Monolith, Anathema, Bendiction, Exodus, and many, many more.

Photo: Taya Uddin (https://www.tayauddin.co.uk/)

Last year, he started experiencing health issues and was hospitalized several times, also while on tour. It was then that it was discovered that Nick was losing kidney function.

A gofundme campaign has been set up to raise money for Nick’s treatment. The information included there reads: ‘Unfortunately, […] the kidneys are now in full failure and he cannot currently work due to the dialysis schedule and focusing on his health. […] He has dialysis 3 times a week with a 4 hour duration each visit. The waiting list for a kidney is long….. So the more we can help him survive the day to day, the more he can focus on his health and not other things.’

You can make your donations here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/nicholas-barker