> > > Tomasz Goehs Interview, Pt. 4

Tomasz Goehs (Kult, KNŻ) exclusively for BeatIt, Pt. 4/8

Currently, Polish rock fans know Tomasz Goehs from such musical institutions as Kult and Kazik Na Żywo. Naturally, his C.V. is much more extensive and includes tours and studio sessions with Turbo, Wolf Spider, Creation Of Death, Kr’shna Brothers, Arka Noego or 2Tm2,3.


In this part of his meeting with BeatIt, our guest talks about the process of collecting a set of professional cymbals peace by peace at the early stage of his career and describes grinding, cutting and some other ways of beefing up those that inevitably fell victim to fatigue.

You can also find out what the circumstances of Tom getting an endorsement deal with Zildjian were and how his visit to the company’s London seat went. We also discuss the gear currently used by the man, the sweet spot he has for Brady and DW snares, as well as reasons why he has decided to take away some elements from his kit.

Here is Tomasz Goehs showing an important part of the 1990’s Polish rock history.

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