> > > Piotr Szkudelski Interview, Pt. 8

Piotr Szkudelski (Perfect) exclusively for BeatIt, Pt. 8/8

On June 30 2013, the BeatIt team imposed ourselves on Polish rock legends Perfect in connection with their live gig in Swarzędz, Poland. Jumping at the opportunity, we asked the band’s drummer to say a few words to our viewers.

szkudelski piotr

In this episode, Piotr Szkudelski discusses his warm-up routine before a show, features of character useful when pursuing a career as a drummer, methods of staying in good shape and preparing for studio sessions. We also ask the man to share a few words of wisdom with young people who wish to become drummers. Finally, our guest reveals what makes it clear that Perfect’s rhythm section is going to lock in together on a given night…

We give you Piotr Szkudelski for the last time…