On November 11, 2018, the first edition of a drum event called Śląski Festiwal Perkusyjny (Silesian Drum Festival) was held at the Chorzowskie Centrum Kultury theater in Chorzów, Poland. Our team was anxious to attend, especially considering the bill, which included the likes of: Austrian extreme metal specialist Kerim “Krimh” Lechner, the Polish rhythm section comprising Robert Luty / Piotr Żaczek, the Paris Monster duo (drummer, keyboard player and singer Josh Dion and bassist Geoff Kraly) as well as the internationally recognized educator Mike Johnston.

fot: beatit.tv
The first artist to perform on the day was Wojtek Deręgowski – an excellent young drummer, who has been consistently building his career based on social media as well as work on the road.
We jumped at the opportunity and interviewed the man as well as asked him to talk us through his drum kit, both of which you may have already seen on our channel. He also told us the names of his favourite drummers. He did so without elaborating on the topic, just the names. Here they are:
“Vinnie Colaiuta, Benny Greb, Chris Coleman, Steve Jordan, Steve Gadd.”