No Nuts: brand new, innovative cymbal sleeves

No Nuts: brand new, innovative cymbal sleeves

Drummers around the world know the struggle with cymbal sleeves. These are easy to lost, difficult to find and it happens in the worst moments. For example before the gig, when there is no time for searching for the lost accessories. It’s...
WristGrips: Pain-preventing wrist bands

WristGrips: Pain-preventing wrist bands

Drummers are often dealing with wrist problems. These problems are caused by years of playing, bad technique or it’s just natural process. Anyway, it’s better to visit the doctor from time to time than quit playing drums at all. We...
Drum Orb: Art of Drumming Taken To Next Level

Drum Orb: Art of Drumming Taken To Next Level

People are usually interested in drum kits, percussion and other type of musical things that you can hit to generate the sound. Sound coming from these instrument is unique, but the first thing people do is look at these objects. That’s why...