Dom Famularo is back! He has come out of the dark to continue sharing his knowledge and passion for the drums.

This Friday at 11:00am Eastern Time, Dom is going to host an exclusive Sabian Education Network (SEN) session. The topic to be discussed is ‘Common Physical Drumming Challenges and Solutions’.
Official SEN members have the exclusive access to this session. The link for this event will be sent out via email.
Non-SEN members can sign up here -> There’s still time!
When: Friday, April 7, 2023, 11:00am Eastern
What: Common Physical Drumming Challenges and Solutions (Sabian Education Network session)
Who: Dom Famularo
Dom Famularo says: “I believe if the teacher is a constant student, education seeks the highest level! SEN connects me with teachers globally so I can learn and continue to heighten my skills!”