Get inspired: Viking’s repair kit

Get inspired: Viking’s repair kit’s Editor-in-Chief, Marcin ‘Viking’ Leitgeber, is a drummer of a rather precautionary nature, which means he does not like to have a secured ‘technological park’ (if we may put it in engineering terms) when on...
Get inspired: DW Hi-hat Drop Clutch

Get inspired: DW Hi-hat Drop Clutch

Some time ago we have launched new series of videos under our Get inspired banner. Those are very short clips showing practical applications of new, not-so-obvious or slightly overlooked effects, hardware or accessories from various manufacturers,...
What Can Be Done With An Old Drumhead?

What Can Be Done With An Old Drumhead?

Useful tips that will give your old drumhead a second life! As we all know, drumheads are getting used after playing. When you change your old head for the shiny, new one you can store it in case of emergency. But usually old drumheads are being...