> > > Benny Greb Interview, Pt. 4

Benny Greb talks to BeatIt, Pt. 4/6

As our viewers already know, on Feb 12, 2015, BeatIt organized a clinic conducted by one of the most outstanding drummers of the young generation and an excellent educator – Benny Greb. Obviously, we also jumped at the opportunity to do an in-depth interview with the man.

benny greb


In the fourth part of our talk, BeatIt’s guest talks about his approach to modern studio technology, the ways he likes to prepare for studio sessions, as well as how his experiences as a young drum workshop attandant resulted when planning his own clinics and encounters with the audience.

Our special thanks go out to the ‘Pod pretekstem‘ restaurant (www.podpretekstem.com).

Here is Benny Greb in the fourth part of his meeting with BeatIt viewers. Enjoy!

