> > > Woodys Backline Interview, pt. 2

Maciej Wójkiewicz of Woodys Backline exclusively for BeatIt, pt. 2

In this part of his interview for BeatIt, Maciej “Woodys” Wójkiewicz of Woodys Backline shares his observations on which brands appear in riders the most often, regarding both drums and hardware. He also talks about the specifics of snare drum orders (after all, a very individual issue for each musician), which is connected with the necessity to offer as broad a range of those instruments as possible.

A whole different matter is what the company can provide as far as cymbals are concerned. Also in this case, Maciej reveals which brands are the most popular items in riders. Later, we find out what types of heads remain favoured amongst musicians performing in Poland – both domestic and international acts. Finally, we get to know whether drum sticks also have to be provided by a backline company. Here is Maciej “Woodys” Wójkiewicz. Enjoy!

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