> > > Maciej Gołyźniak interview pt. 5

Maciej Gołyźniak (Brodka, Sorry Boys) talks to BeatIt – pt. 5

The nice, but also substantive, conversation between BeatIt and our guest Maciej Gołyźniak, continues. In this part of it, the man discusses the process of evolution that his drum set has undergone over the years and what exactly he had in mind when building his kit for the purposes of recording the multi-platinum “Granda” album with one of the most talented and popular female singers of the young generation in Poland – Monika Brodka. We also asked Maciek to tell all of you what gear (drums, cymbals, electronics, heads) he uses on the road with M. Brodka and his other band – Sorry Boys, how he tunes his drums, and what kind of sound he is after. He also shares his opinion on triggering beats on the computer during a live performance. This is part four of the drumming world according to Maciej Gołyźniak. Enjoy!