> > > Maciej Gołyźniak interview pt 3

Maciej Gołyźniak (Brodka, Sorry Boys) w specjalnym wywiadzie dla BeatIt cz. 3

In this part of the interview, Maciej Gołyźniak tells BeatIt about how he made money to buy his first professional kit and which Polish band taught him the skill of sleeping on the gear in the band’s van on their tour of Europe. Our guest opened up to us to such an extent that he made a kind of a coming-out concerning his chances of playing with one of the most popular rock groups in Poland as a young, aspiring drummer. He also told us how he views that group’s legacy today. Maciej shares his attitude to studio work with us, reveals a tiny bit of the secret idea for his own music and tells us whether he thinks he belongs to the group of drummers who are generally satisfied with their parts (do they actually exist?), or maybe not. But most of all, Maciej Gołyźniak clears any doubts you should have as to whether a working drummer ought to wear cowboy boots when performing with a country-and-western band

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